Photo of the Day 14

September 18, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


I find I need to state the purpose a little more clearly about this here photo of the day thing.  I am doing this to try to put my site out there, trying to spread the word, as it were. For those that know me personally, know, I do not like sitting against a computer.   So to that end, if you like my photos, or, if you want to help me out personally, then spread the word I need to see the viewers numbers go up, also, a little more interaction, otherwise this is just a chore that I can give up, who amongst us does not like getting rid of things off their lists.
This is a shot from Antietam. I think it is time appropriate, would corn a big thanks giving veggie'?
This is guess maybe maze, not overly sure of the difference, for all I know this could be the start of a Bio-Diesel crop, with it having dried on the stalk, it is probably animal feed.  Anybody out there know whats what in the corn/maze world?
A pretty stock image this, if any of you look at the back of your camera and see what looks like a "Tic,Tak-Toe" overlay and didn't know what it is for, well it is to aid in composition, when you compose a photo you should, for the most part, try to put the main aspects of the shot on the lines, either horizontal or vertical, using the intersection of the lines to bring a viewers attention to the more important portions of the composition.
In this shot the cob sits on the first third of the photo, now use your mind and put the corn in the middle of the shot, for me doing that turns this from an OK photo into a "blah" photo.
Next time you are out with your camera, try using that simple rule, known as 'The rule of thirds' 
try putting the horizon on the top or bottom third if you are taking a landscape, same as the eyes if you are taking a portrait. If you are trying to make an environmental portrait, one showing a person within area pertinent to them, try putting them on the third and gather the room they are in into the remains.
The stats for this shot are:
1/640, f2.8 ISO 100. Taken on the 5d mk3 c/w 100mm macro lens.
All post done in Lightroom4


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